About me.

Photo of me on a beach in Melbourne, Australia

Hi, I'm West, a UX/UI designer currently based in North Carolina. I'm currently looking for a role as a UX designer, UI designer, or product designer.

I’m motivated by a passion for crafting engaging experiences centered on helping users accomplish their goals and businesses reach their objectives.

With formal training in UX/UI and a background in finance and accounting, I bring both creativity and analytical thinking to everything I do. Deep research, creative problem-solving, and using the former to inform the latter inspire my work.

Education & Training

Bachelor of Science in Financial Management

UX Academy

About This Site

All work is original and my own. I built this site in 2023-2024 from scratch using Webflow and without templates. I've made many updates and changes since then.

My personal branding & the theme of this site are based on flowing water, which I use as a metaphor for the fundamentals of my design philosophy.

Water is an essential requirement for life and makes up the majority of the human body.
This motif represents my belief that the most important aspect of any project are the people for whom I’m designing. The free-flowing fluidity of water mirrors the ability to be flexible, creative, and think in unfamiliar ways. In my view, consciously keeping an open mind and being willing to see problems from new perspectives are foundational to crafting effective, useful designs.